Dental Inlays & Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are alternative treatments to traditional fillings for repairing damaged or decayed teeth. They are custom-made in a dental laboratory and placed over the prepared area of the tooth, usually on the top biting surface.

Both types of inlays and onlays serve the same purpose - to restore the structure and function of the damaged tooth. They offer a more durable and long-lasting solution compared to traditional fillings, and their customized design ensures a precise fit.

To determine the most suitable option for your specific case, it is best to consult with your Sinanak Clinic’s dentist. They will evaluate the extent of the damage and discuss the available materials to help you make an informed decision.

Dental inlays and onlays are custom-made restorations used to repair and strengthen damaged or decayed teeth. They serve as an alternative to traditional fillings, providing a more extensive solution.

An inlay is specifically designed to fit within the grooves or indentations of a tooth, restoring it when the damage or decay is too extensive for a regular filling. Made from materials like porcelain, gold, or composite resin, inlays are crafted to fit snugly and create a tight seal that helps prevent further decay.

On the other hand, an onlay, also known as a partial crown, is used when a larger portion of the tooth needs restoration. It covers the entire biting surface of the tooth and may include one or more cusps (the pointed parts of the tooth). It is an ideal choice when there is significant damage or decay that cannot be repaired with a traditional filling or inlay.

Both inlays and onlays are customized in a dental laboratory and then cemented into place by your Sinanak Clinic’s dentist. They provide similar strength and durability to full crowns, while preserving more of the natural tooth structure.

The materials used for inlays and onlays can vary, including porcelain, composite resin, or gold. Porcelain and composite inlays and onlays can be color-matched to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing an aesthetically pleasing result.

Dental inlays and onlays offer several advantages over composite fillings including:

  • They are more durable and longer-lasting.
  • Provide better strength and stability to the tooth.
  • Inlays and onlays can also be matched to the natural color of the tooth, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.
  • They are particularly beneficial for larger cavities and can help reduce tooth sensitivity.

Compared to full crowns, inlays and onlays preserve more of the natural tooth structure. They are a cost-effective option, require less tooth removal, and can be suitable for moderate cases of decay or damage.

Ultimately, the choice between inlays, onlays, and crowns depends on the specific condition of your teeth and the recommendations of your Sinanak Clinic’s dentist. They will assess your situation and guide you toward the most suitable option to restore your teeth's health and appearance.

Dental inlays and onlays usually require two dental appointments to complete the treatment.

  • First Appointment:

    During the initial appointment, your Sinanak Clinic’s dentist will carefully examine the tooth that needs treatment and determine whether an inlay or onlay is the best option. Any decay or damage in the tooth will be removed, and the tooth will be prepared to receive the dental inlay or onlay. This may involve removing a small amount of tooth structure to make space for the restoration.

    Once the tooth is prepared, an impression of the tooth will be taken. This impression will be sent to a dental laboratory, where skilled technicians will custom-make the inlay or onlay. The material used for the restoration can vary, such as porcelain, composite resin, or gold, depending on factors like the tooth's location, function, and patient preferences.

  • Second Appointment:

    During the second appointment, your dentist will bond the custom-made inlay or onlay to your prepared tooth using a special dental adhesive. The inlay or onlay will be carefully positioned and checked to ensure proper fit, bite, and alignment. Once the restoration is in place, your Sinanak Clinic’s dentist will use a special light to cure the dental adhesive, ensuring a secure bond. Finally, the inlay or onlay will be polished to create a smooth surface and natural appearance.

The entire process usually takes around two weeks to complete. After the procedure, it is important to avoid consuming hard or crunchy foods for the first 24 hours and to be cautious with hot or cold foods and drinks to prevent tooth sensitivity. Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your inlay or onlay and will advise you on scheduling regular check-ups to maintain its condition.

The cost of dental inlays and onlays can vary depending on the material used and the number of teeth that need treatment. Different materials such as porcelain, composite, or gold can be used for these restorations.

  • Dental inlay (per tooth) starting from EGP XXXXX
  • Dental onlay (per tooth) starting from EGP XXXXX

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