Cosmetic Dentures

Cosmetic dentures are removable replacement teeth made of acrylic material. If you have gaps in your mouth due to missing teeth, you may face difficulties when speaking or biting. Dentures provide a practical solution to restore your ability to do these activities. Full cosmetic dentures are used when you have lost or had all your upper and lower teeth extracted. Partial dentures are an option if you still have some natural teeth remaining.

Dentures not only help with functionality but also improve the appearance of your smile. When teeth are missing, the remaining teeth can shift, leading to a sunken facial appearance. By wearing dentures, you can restore the natural shape of your face and achieve a more youthful look.

Cosmetic dentures offer several advantages for those with missing teeth:

  • Improved Appearance: Dentures can enhance the overall look of your mouth. When teeth are missing, the remaining teeth can shift, causing the face to appear sunken. Dentures fill out the face, restoring a more natural and youthful appearance.

  • Better Chewing and Speaking: Missing teeth can make it challenging to bite and chew certain foods, leading to nutritional deficiencies. Dentures improve your ability to chew and speak, allowing you to enjoy a wider range of foods and communicate more effectively.

  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Missing teeth can impact self-confidence, leading to avoidance of social situations and affecting daily activities like smiling, talking, and eating. Dentures can boost confidence and self-esteem, enabling a fuller participation in life.

  • Preservation of Facial Structure: Dentures help maintain the natural facial structure. When teeth are missing, the jawbone can shrink over time, altering the face's shape. Dentures stimulate the jawbone, preventing shrinkage and preserving the facial structure.

  • Cost-Effective Solution: Dentures are a more affordable option compared to dental implants or bridges. They are often covered by insurance, providing a cost-effective solution for tooth replacement.

Cosmetic dentures and implants are two different types of prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth. Here are the key differences and considerations:

Cosmetic Dentures:

They rest on the gums and are held in place by suction or dental adhesive. They are less expensive than implants and can be made and fitted quickly. They can also be easily removed and cleaned.

Advantages of Cosmetic Dentures:

  • Less expensive than implants.
  • Custom made and fitted quickly.
  • Easy to remove and clean.
  • No surgery required.

Disadvantages of Traditional Dentures:

  • More likely to slip or move in the mouth over time.
  • Do not help preserve jawbone and facial structure.
  • Less biting and chewing power.
  • May need replacement or refitting over time.


Implants are anchored to the jawbone using small titanium posts called dental implants. These posts are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for attaching the dentures. Implant dentures offer greater stability and security compared to traditional dentures.

Advantages of Implant Dentures:

  • More stable and secure than cosmetic dentures.
  • Do not slip or move inside your mouth.
  • Help preserve your jawbone and facial structure.
  • Improved biting and chewing power.
  • Longer lifespan.

Disadvantages of Implant Dentures:

  • Requires a surgical procedure for dental implant placement.
  • More expensive than cosmetic dentures.
  • Not suitable for everyone, depending on health conditions and jawbone density.
  • Longer healing period after surgery.

Choosing the Right Dentures:

The decision between dental implants and cosmetic dentures depends on your specific needs, budget, and oral health. Consulting with a Sinanak Clinic’s qualified dentists is crucial to determine the best treatment option for you.

Remember, dental implants offer greater stability and long-term benefits, while cosmetic dentures are more affordable and easier to fit. At Sinanak Clinic we will assess your situation and guide you towards the most suitable solution.

At Sinanak Clinic cosmetic dentures will require 4 visits to the clinic and you will spend roughly 20 mints during each visit. The process will involve the following steps:

  • Initial consultation: At the initial consultation, we will carefully examine your mouth, discuss your needs and expectations, and take impressions of your mouth. These impressions will be used to create models of your jaw and teeth. We will also note any specific requirements, such as partial dentures or a full arch replacement.
  • Fitting and try-in: Using the models, we will create custom dentures for you. During a fitting appointment, the dentures will be placed in your mouth to check for fit, comfort, and speech. Any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure a proper fit.
  • Final fitting: Once the cosmetic dentures have been adjusted and fit properly, a final fitting appointment will take place. We will make any final adjustments to ensure the dentures are comfortable and securely in place.
  • Follow-up appointments: Over time, your jaw and mouth may change shape, requiring adjustments to the dentures. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to check the fit of the dentures and make any necessary modifications.

It's important to note that the process of getting dentures can take several weeks. The number of appointments and the duration may vary depending on your individual case and the type of dentures you choose. We may also recommend practicing speaking and eating with your new dentures to help you adapt and make the transition more comfortable.

The following tips will help you take proper care of your cosmetic dentures to ensure its durability over time:

  • Daily cleaning: Remove your dentures and clean them daily using a mild soap and water. Brush them gently with a denture brush and soak them overnight in a cleaning solution. Rinse with cold water, as hot water can damage and distort the dentures.
  • Handle with care: Dentures are delicate, so handle them carefully to avoid dropping or bending them.
  • Avoid heat exposure: Keep your dentures away from extreme heat sources, such as inside your car during a hot day or beside stoves, or heaters, as heat can cause warping.
  • Regular dental check-ups: Visit Sinanak Clinic regularly for check-ups and cleanings to ensure your dentures fit well and function properly.
  • Mind your diet: When you first get dentures, it's best to avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods until you become accustomed to wearing them.
  • Using dental adhesive: If needed, use dental adhesive to keep your dentures secure. Follow the recommended amount to avoid irritation or infection.
  • Proper storage: Store your dentures in a clean, dry denture case when not in use to protect them from damage or contamination.
  • Monitor changes or discomfort: If you experience pain, discomfort, looseness, or an ill-fitting sensation with your dentures, contact your dentist promptly.
  • Maintain proper oral cleaning: Even with dentures, continue practicing good oral cleaning. Brush your gums, tongue, and roof of your mouth daily to remove plaque and bacteria.
  • Patience is key: Adjusting to wearing dentures may take time. Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to adapt. With proper care and maintenance, your cosmetic dentures can last for many years and improve your overall quality of life.

Prices will vary from one person to the other depending on the chosen cosmetic denture material as well as the components used if it is mixed with dental implants.
Denture per arch will typically cost EGP 7000 and partial dentures will start from EGP 450.

Call us now on (+2) 010 9045 5554 to book an examination at Sinanak Clinic or email us with any questions at

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