Dental Check-ups

Regular check-ups are a cornerstone of maintaining a vibrant, healthy smile and are integral to preventing dental issues before they arise. Our comprehensive check-up program is tailored to identify any areas of concern early on, ensuring timely care that supports your long-term oral well-being. Step into our world of proactive dental care and see how our expert team uses the latest in dental technology to keep your smile at its best.

At Sinanak Clinic, we believe that a healthy smile begins with a thorough dental examination, an essential step in our comprehensive dental care approach. During your visit, our experienced dental team will conduct a detailed assessment of your oral health, utilizing tools like mirrors and probes to meticulously examine every aspect of your mouth.

Our examination goes beyond just a check-up; it's an educational experience where we empower you with knowledge about your oral health status. Based on our findings, we may recommend a professional cleaning, offer guidance on daily oral hygiene practices, suggest specific oral care products, or provide a tailored treatment plan if needed.

Rest assured, the dental examination at Sinanak Clinic is a gentle and pain-free experience. We recommend scheduling these evaluations regularly, at least once every year, to detect any potential issues early. This proactive strategy is not just about safeguarding your health—it's also a smart way to manage costs effectively, helping you avoid the need for more extensive and expensive dental treatments in the future.

A typical dental check-up at Sinanak Clinic includes the following components:

  • Medical History Review: Your Sinanak dentist will start by reviewing your medical history, especially if you are a new patient or if there have been any changes since your last visit.
  • Oral Examination: Your Sinanak dentist will inspect your teeth for cavities, plaque, and tartar buildup and will also check for signs of tooth decay and examine the condition of any fillings, crowns, or other restorations.
  • Gum Health Assessment: Using a special tool called a probe, the dentist will measure the depth of the spaces between your teeth and gums to identify any signs of gum disease.
  • Bite and Jaw Evaluation: The check-up might include an evaluation of your bite and jaw for issues related to occlusion or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).
  • Oral Cancer Screening: Many dentists will look for signs of oral cancer by checking your neck, throat, face, and oral tissues for any abnormalities.
  • Dental X-rays: Depending on your oral health status and the time since your last X-rays, your Sinanak dentist might perform dental X-rays to detect issues that can't be seen during a visual examination.
  • Dental Hygiene Recommendations: You Sinanak dentist will provide advice on proper brushing and flossing techniques, and suggest dental hygiene products.
  • Discussion and Treatment Plan: If any issues are found, your Sinanak dentist will discuss them with you and may suggest a treatment plan. This could also be an opportunity to discuss any cosmetic concerns or elective procedures.
  • Scheduling Next Visit: Before you leave, we will schedule your next appointment.

At Sinanak clinic we recommend a minimum of one dental checkup every year. Benefits of adopting this routine are:

  • Detects Early Signs of Decay: Dental check-ups can catch cavities and decay before they become bigger, more painful, and expensive problems.
  • Prevents Gum Disease: Regular exams help to spot the early stages of gum disease, which can be reversed with proper care.
  • Maintains Overall Health: Dental health is linked to your overall health, with issues in the mouth potentially affecting the rest of your body.
  • Identifies Oral Cancer Early: Early detection of oral cancer can be life-saving, and Sinanak clinic dentists are trained to recognize the signs.
  • Preserves Your Smile: Check-ups help keep your teeth clean and healthy, which contributes to a bright, confident smile.
  • Helps to Keep Natural Teeth: Regular visits support the longevity of your natural teeth by ensuring the health of teeth and gums.
  • Prevents Bad Breath: Dental check-ups include cleanings that remove plaque and tartar, helping to keep your breath fresh.
  • Saves Money in the Long Run: By preventing diseases or treating them early, you reduce the potential for costly dental procedures in the future.
  • Keeps Track of Oral Hygiene: Sinanak clinic dentists can advise if your personal oral hygiene practices are effective or need improvement.
  • Tailors Personal Dental Care Plans: Check-ups provide an opportunity to create or adjust personalized dental care plans based on the latest health status of your teeth and gums.

A dental check-up appointment takes around 30 minutes.

Price for Dental check-ups at Sinanak clinic is EGP 100.

Call us now on (+2) 010 9045 5554 to book your dental check-up at Sinanak Clinic or email us with any questions at

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To keep your natural teeth healthy for life, it's important to look after them regularly. Regular check-ups with Sinanak Clinic will save you a lot of money and time in the future.