Dental Mouth Guards

Shielding your teeth and gums from potential harm, mouth guards are customized rubber-like devices designed to safeguard against trauma and injuries. Whether you're engaged in athletic activities, particularly contact sports like boxing or martial arts, or seeking protection from teeth grinding or clenching during sleep, these versatile guards offer valuable defense. Additionally, mouth guards extend their benefits to include anti-snoring and sleep apnea devices.

When it comes to mouth guards, there is a wide range of options, differing in shape, size, and functionality. To discover the ideal choice that perfectly suits your requirements, consulting with Sinanak Clinic’s qualified dentists is highly recommended. Their expertise will guide you towards selecting the most suitable mouth guard tailored to your specific needs.

There are several type of mouth guards offered by Sinanak Clinic that includes:

  • Custom Made Dental Mouth Guards: The most effective and safe option, custom-made dental mouth guards are crafted by a dentist specifically for your mouth. They offer advantages over generic guards, including a snug fit, maximum comfort, consideration of allergies, and expert care and advice.
  • Over-the-Counter Gum Shields: Ready-made or stock mouth guards are quick solutions but lack customization. They cannot be adjusted and may pose a threat to your gums and teeth due to improper fit and size.
  • Boil and Bite or Mouth Adapted: These thermoplastic mouth guards are pre-formed but can be slightly adjusted using heat and molding. While they offer a better fit than stock guards, they still fall short of the customization and comfort provided by custom-made mouth guards.

The Making of Custom Dental Mouth Guards

  • First Visit: We will assess the health of your teeth and gums before taking an impression. This detailed information is used to create a custom mouth guard that considers your specific measurements and irregularities.
  • Second Visit: The bespoke mouth guard will be fitted to ensure maximum comfort and the perfect fit. Any minor adjustments can be made at this time.

While waiting for your custom mouth guard, you can consider temporary alternatives for sports use. However, it's important to note that these options may not provide the same level of protection and comfort as a custom mouth guard.

For a longer lasting and comfortable mouth guard, whether for night guards, sports guards, anti-snoring devices, or sleep apnea devices, schedule an assessment with Sinanak Clinic today.

Do you grind your teeth?

Teeth grinding, known as bruxism, can cause damage to your teeth and lead to other problems like TMJ issues. If you experience symptoms such as earache, neck pain, sore jaw, or headaches upon waking up, it's important to contact Sinanak Clinic to schedule an assessment. Our qualified dentist will assess your mouth and bite to determine the appropriate mouth guard for you. A night guard may be recommended as a solution to your teeth grinding problem.

Our night guards are custom-made to fit your mouth and teeth. This ensures maximum comfort while you sleep, allowing you to rest undisturbed. The purpose of the mouth guard is to protect your teeth at night, prevent teeth wear, and reduce jaw muscle clenching.

There are different options for night guards:

Michigan and Tanner Splints/Appliances: These appliances are used to treat TMJ dysfunction and control bruxism. They promote proper jaw muscle and joint function, establishing harmony when chewing. The splints help balance your bite and allow your jaw to move smoothly over the guard, reducing muscle tension over time. A Michigan splint is fitted on the upper teeth, while a Tanner splint is fitted on the lower teeth. Both splints are made of a hard resin material.

To determine which appliance is more suitable for your needs, contact Sinanak Clinic to schedule an assessment. Our qualified dentists will guide you in choosing the right option for you.

Snoring can be more common as you age and it can disrupt your sleep and affect your well-being. Although you may not think of a dentist for snoring, Sinanak Clinic can provide treatment.

Causes of snoring include age, the structure of your airways, sinuses, and mouth, weight, allergies, or a cold. When you sleep, relaxed muscles in your nose, throat, tongue, and mouth can cause the airways to narrow, leading to vibrations and the noise of snoring.

Sleep apnoea is a condition where the airways in your throat become further narrowed or completely blocked during sleep. This can cause pauses in breathing and gasping for breath, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and fatigue. It can also have implications for your heart health.

Sleep apnoea is more common in men, particularly between the ages of 30 and 60, and certain factors like smoking, being overweight, using sedatives, or having a family history can increase the likelihood of developing it.

If you snore and want to address the issue, contact Sinanak Clinic to schedule an assessment. We cannot diagnose sleep apnoea but we can assess your mouth and refer you to a general practitioner doctor if needed.

At Sinanak Clinic, we offer custom-made anti-snoring and sleep apnoea mouth guards. They are designed to keep your airways open while you sleep by bringing your lower jaw forward. They are similar in appearance to sports mouth guards and are customized to fit securely over your teeth.

Generic snoring appliances available online are less effective because they are not tailored to your mouth for comfort and a secure fit.

Certain sports involve physical contact, putting your mouth at risk of injury. Martial Arts, hockey, and boxing, for example, can cause harm to your teeth, mouth, and soft tissues if not properly protected.

To prevent such injuries, it is important to have a custom-made sports mouth guard, also known as a gum shield. This significantly reduces the risk of tooth damage and the potential dislocation of your jaw during play.

Over-the-counter sports mouth guards do not offer the same level of protection as custom-made ones. A bespoke mouth guard is the ideal choice for contact sports because it is specifically tailored to fit your mouth securely. It ensures that the mouth guard doesn't come out during impacts, serving its purpose effectively. Additionally, a custom mouth guard allows for easy breathing and clear speech.

You can personalize your sports mouth guard by choosing from a variety of colors and designs. You may opt for your favorite color or even match the colors of your team.

If you are interested in getting a custom sports mouth guard to safeguard your smile, please contact Sinanak Clinic.

At Sinanak Clinic we offer a variety of mouth guards for different purposes and functions according to your requirements. Their prices are as follows:

  • Sports Guard starts from EGP XXXX
  • Anti-Snoring Device starts from EGP XXXX
  • Night Guard starts from EGP XXXX
  • Tanner Appliance starts from EGP XXXX
  • Michigan Splint starts from EGP XXXX

Call us now on (+2) 010 9045 5554 to book an examination at Sinanak Clinic or email us with any questions at

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