Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a treatment that preserves your natural teeth. It focuses on addressing infection within the core of the tooth, called the pulp, which is responsible for nourishing and maintaining the tooth's vitality. This specialized procedure involves carefully removing the infected pulp, eliminating the infection, and protecting the tooth against future microbial issues. The pulp is a delicate tissue that nourishes the tooth, but infection can occur from decay or trauma, leading to toothaches and potential abscesses. Root canal treatment effectively removes the compromised pulp and fills the space to strengthen the tooth.

Rest assured, this procedure is completely painless and serves as an excellent alternative to tooth extraction, allowing you to keep your natural tooth intact.

Root canal treatment is essential to alleviate pain and discomfort while preserving your natural tooth and avoiding extraction. The pain is typically caused by an infection, inflammation, or abscess within the tooth.

How does the root canal (the center of the tooth) become infected?

The root canal can get infected due to:

  • Leaky fillings
  • Tooth decay
  • Trauma or damage to the tooth
  • Bacteria in the mouth can invade these vulnerable areas and cause infection.

When is root canal treatment necessary?

At Sinanak Clinic, we will determine the need for root canal treatment based on dental x-rays and the presence of pulp damage from an infection. If a bacterial infection is present, it can cause inflammation and allow bacteria to multiply and spread.

Symptoms indicating a possible pulp infection may include:

  • Pain while biting or chewing.
  • Looseness of the tooth.
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food/drinks.

Symptoms may temporarily subside as the infection progresses and kills off the pulp, but this can mean the infection has spread through the root canal system. Symptoms may then reoccur, such as:

  • Pain while biting and chewing.
  • Swelling of the cheek or jaw.
  • Pus discharge from the infected tooth.
  • Swollen gum near the infected tooth.
  • Darkening of the tooth's color.

If you experience toothache, it is vital to book a dental examination. Once a tooth is infected, the pulp cannot heal itself. It is best to treat the tooth before the infection becomes too established, as root canal treatment is less likely to be successful in advanced cases. Antibiotics, which are effective for treating infections that have spread beyond the root and cause facial swelling, do not have a significant impact on infected root canals.

The root canal treatment process at Sinanak Clinic will typically require 3 visits for 30 minutes in each visit. The procedure includes the following:

  • Preparation for Root Canal Treatment

    Before determining the need for root canal treatment, we will take x-rays of the affected tooth to assess the extent of infection-related damage. The treatment is usually carried out under local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth and the surrounding area.

  • Pulp Removal

    To maintain a dry environment during the procedure, a rubber dam will be placed. This barrier ensures you don't swallow or inhale any materials used during the treatment. After accessing the pulp through a small opening in the tooth's biting surface, we will remove the infected tissue. If there is an abscess present, it will be drained and flushed.

  • Cleaning the Root Canal(s)

    Following pulp removal, we will proceed with cleaning the narrow root canals. The canals will be slightly enlarged using small files to facilitate the filling process. The number of canals treated depends on the tooth. Anterior teeth typically have a single root canal, while posterior teeth may have multiple canals. If necessary, medication may be placed in the canals to eliminate any remaining bacteria, and a temporary filling will be placed.

  • Filling and Prepping the Tooth

    During your second visit, the temporary filling and medication will be removed from the root canals. The canals will be filled with a permanent filling material to seal the tooth and prevent reinfection. Root-filled teeth are weaker and more prone to breakage, so we recommend a crown to strengthen and protect the tooth. If the tooth becomes discolored, internal whitening treatment can be considered.

  • Fitting the Crown

    A crown is a dental restoration that covers the entire tooth above the gum line, providing strength and protection. After numbing the area, we will reshape the tooth to ensure a precise fit for the new crown. An impression will be made for the dental technicians to create the permanent crown. In the meantime, a temporary crown will be placed. At the final appointment, the permanent crown will be fitted, and if necessary, a post can be cemented into the root canal for additional support.

Maintaining regular dental check-ups and dental cleaning at Sinanak Clinic will help ensure the long-term success of your root canal treatment.

Recovering from a root canal treatment requires special care to ensure the success of the procedure. While the final stage of the treatment may leave you feeling slightly sore for a few days, any severe pain should subside. We will prescribe painkillers to relieve any discomfort, but if pain or swelling persists, it is advisable to inform Sinanak Clinic, as we may prescribe antibiotics if necessary.

To promote a smooth recovery, it is important to avoid certain foods and habits:

  • Popcorn: Be cautious of unpopped corn that can potentially damage your teeth. Hard foods: Avoid nuts and other hard foods that may put pressure on the treated tooth.
  • Crunchy foods: Steer clear of crusty bread or pretzels that can cause discomfort.
  • Hot foods and drinks: Wait until the effects of the anesthesia have worn off before consuming hot items.
  • Sticky foods: Stay away from caramels, toffees, and gum that can stick to the tooth surface.
  • Chewy foods: Refrain from eating chewy meats or foods that may strain the treated area.

To prevent the need for future root canal treatments, it is essential to follow these preventive measures:

  • Maintain proper oral care: Brush and floss regularly, and visit Sinanak Clinic for routine check-ups and dental cleaning.
  • Reduce sugar intake: Limit your consumption of sugary foods and drinks and rinse your mouth with water afterward.
  • Stop smoking: Smoking can negatively impact oral health and increase the risk of future dental problems.
  • Use mouth guards: If you engage in contact sports, protect your teeth from trauma and injury by wearing a mouth guard.
  • Floss daily: Incorporate daily flossing into your oral care routine for thorough cleaning and gum health.

By practicing these guidelines, you can support the long-term success of your root canal treatment and maintain optimal oral health.

Root Canal treatment price will vary due to the complexity of your case and the number of root canals that are present in the tooth in question. While a crown might not always be clinically necessary, we will be able to give you honest advice depending on your condition and our initial assessment.

Root Canal Treatment (per tooth) starts from EGP 1,500 for adults and EGP 700 for children.

Crown prices will vary depending on the used material. Your Sinanak Clinic dentist will explain to you the pros and cons for every kind, and it will be totally up to you to choose the one more convenient.

  • Metal Crown price is EGP 500
  • Porcelain Crown price is EGP 1500
  • Zirconium Crown price is EGP 3000

Call us now on (+2) 010 9045 5554 to book an examination at Sinanak Clinic or email us with any questions at

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